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Swimming pools need be in the sun and also may have limited space around them. Large palms tend to need more space and small palms tend to need shade. Large palms need to be around 3 to 5 metres away from the pool because they will eventually drop seeds , dead fronds and bird droppings . Small palms do not have this problem but they tend to be understorey palms and need filtered light not full sun.
Also avoid palms with spikes such as the Phoenix palms and messy palms like the Cocos, unless you are restricted by a cold climate. The Bismarkia is a very attractive palm but will take up a large area eventually ( 7metres across) But it can be trimed to a size. Therefore consider the eventual shape of the palm. Removal later on can be expensive.
Palms have a root ball and not a single tap root like trees and the palm rootlets flow around pipes and along concrete structures . So if enough space is left between the palm and the pool for the fronds not to drop into the pool, then there is plenty a space for the eventual diameter of the palm trunk. Large palms such as Bangalows should only be planted if you have the space or really want a large over hanging effect .In this case they make a fantastic background to a tropical garden in front.
The choice of palm will also depend on your climate. Palms to consider for a pool area in Melbourne of a moderate size might be the Chinese windmill ( max height around 15 metres ) Foxtail ( max height around 10 metres) and Sugar Cane palm ( Dypsis baronii, max height around 8 metres), . Small palms for Melbourne might be Rhapis ( max height around 4 metres ) and Cascade prefer filtered light ( max height around 2 metres ) , Dypsis albofarinosa ( max height around 4.5 metres ) and Dypsis plumosa ( max height around 4 metres ) All these like full sun.
Sydney can use all the above palms and coastal Sydney where there is no frost can add Golden Canes ( max height around 8 metres ). They are a great screening palm for fences and neighbours. The downside of being a good screener is they have lots of dead fronds that maybe need to be removed. . A good medium size , very clean palm is the Solitare ( max height around 10 to 12 metres )
Other palms for Sydney may be the Bamboo palm ( Chamaedorea seifrizii, max height around 6 metres ) and the Areca palms of which the Areca vestiaria is interesting. It needs filtered light but has a red or orange (two different types). This is similar to the Lipstick palm which will not grow in Sydney. The Areca vestiaria is not as spactular but makes a good alternative ( max height around 4 metres ). The Bottle palm ( Hyophorbe lagenicaulis , max height around 3 metres)
The Gold Coast can grow all the above and add the Hawaiian Fan ( Pritchardia hillebrandii , max height around 7 metres ) , Christmas palm ( Adonida merrillii ,max height around 7 metres ) and the Aust Fan ( Licuala ramsayi , 15 metres plus , Nth Qld )
Palms, Palms, Palms here are a few things you may not get told at a nursery. There are over 25000 species of palms that grow in tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate climates around the world. Over 50 of these are found to grow in Australia. They are extensively throughout Australia including Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane widely used in landscaping due to their exotic appearance and can make any garden atmosphere cool and relaxing, much like a tropical paradise.
Palms that will grow in Melbourne, South Australia and Victoria
Palms that will grow in Melbourne have to tolerate frost and acute changing weather conditions, Melbourne has a moderate climate but also known for its occasional days of extreme heat and frosts. This is mainly due to Melbourne's location situated on the boundary of the very hot inland areas and the cold southern ocean.
Palm trees that will do well in Melbourne are:
Palm trees that will grow in Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle, South and Central Coast
There are a wide variety of palms that grow in Sydney’s temperate climate, with its warm summers, mild winters and rainfall spread throughout the year. The coastal suburbs are moderated by their location; the inland western suburbs have a more extreme temperature range. In winter, temperatures rarely drop below 5 °C, July being the coldest month, with an average range of 8.0–16.2 °
Here are some common palms that suit Sydney and surrounding coastal areas:
Palms Of The World
Here you can find a comprehensive list of palms of the world. We have included their scientific name, the English common name and the temperature zone they are native to.
These are the palms of the World with common names, there are many more lesser known palms without common names that are not listed here.
Mullumbimby Palms Nursery does not grow this extensive list of palms. The only palms we grow are on our Sales List.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Zone |
Acanthophoenix crinita | Yellow barbel palm | 10a |
Acanthophoenix rubra | Red barbel palm | 10a |
Acoelorrhaphe wrightii | Everglades palm | 9a |
Acrocomia aculeata | Coyol palm | 9b |
Acrocomia aculeata sp. totai | Totaí Palm | 9a |
Acrocomia crispa | Cuban Belly Palm | 10a |
Acrocomia media | Prickly Palm | 10a |
Actinorhytis calapparia | Calappa palm | 11 |
Adonidia merrillii | Christmas Palm | 10a |
Aiphanes horrida | Coyure Palm | 10b |
Aiphanes minima | Macaw Palm | 10b |
Allagoptera arenaria | Restinga Palm | 9b |
Allagoptera caudescens | Buri Palm | 10a |
Aphandra natalia | Tagua Palm | 9b |
Archontophoenix alexandrae | King Palm | 10a |
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana | Illawarra Bangalow Palm | 9b |
Archontophoenix maxima | Walsh River Palm | 10a |
Archontophoenix myolensis | Myola King Palm | 10a |
Archontophoenix purpurea | Mt. Lewis King Palm | 9b |
Archontophoenix tuckeri | Peach Creek Palm | 9b |
Areca catechu | Betel Nut Palm | 10a |
Areca catechu var. dwarf | Dwarf Betel Nut Palm | 10a |
Areca guppyana | Sacred Palm | 10b |
Areca laosensis | Chocolate Palm | 10b |
Areca macrocalyx | Highland Betel Nut Palm | 10a |
Areca triandra | Triandra palm | 10a |
Areca vestiaria - maroon | Maroon Collar Palm | 10a |
Areca vestiaria - orange | Orange Collar Palm | 10a |
Arenga australasica | Australian Sugar Palm | 10a |
Arenga caudata | Miniature Sugar Palm | 10a |
Arenga engleri | Dwarf sugar palm | 9a |
Arenga hookeriana | Hookers Fish Tail Palm | 10a |
Arenga micrantha | Tibetan Sugar Palm | 9a |
Arenga microcarpa | Aren Sagu | 9b |
Arenga pinnata | Sugar Palm | 10a |
Arenga ryukyuensis | Japanese dwarf sugar palm | 9a |
Arenga tremula | Philippine Dwarf Sugar Palm | 10a |
Arenga undulatifolia | Aren Gelora | 10b |
Arenga westerhoutii | Westerhout's Sugar Palm | 10a |
Asterogyne martiana | Pata de Gallo | 10b |
Asterogyne spicata | Palmito Palm | 10b |
Astrocaryum aculeatissimum | Brejaúva Palm | 10b |
Astrocaryum alatum | Coquillo Palm | 10b |
Astrocaryum standleyanum | Mocora Palm | 10b |
Astrocaryum vulgare | Tucuma Palm | 10b |
Attalea butyracea | Yagua Palm | 10a |
Attalea cohune | Cohune palm | 9b |
Attalea dubia | Bacuaçu Palm | 9b |
Attalea funifera | Piassaba Palm | 10a |
Attalea geraensis | Indaiá Palm | 10a |
Attalea maripa | Maripa Palm | 10a |
Attalea oleifera | Andaiá Palm | 10a |
Attalea peruviana | 10b | |
Attalea phalerata | Urucuri Palm | 10a |
Attalea speciosa | Cusi palm | 10b |
Bactris brongniartii | Bango Palm | 10a |
Bactris gasipaes | Peach Palm | 10a |
Bactris glandulosa | Gold Palm | 10a |
Bactris guineensis | Coyolito Palm | 10a |
Bactris setosa | Jucum palm | 10a |
Balaka microcarpa | Spear Palm | 10a |
Balaka seemannii | Seemann's Palm | 10a |
Basselinia pancheri | Black Basselinia | 11 |
Beccariophoenix alfredii | High Plateaux Beccariophoenix | 9a |
Beccariophoenix madagascariensis | Giant Window Palm | 9b |
Bentinckia condapanna | Lord Bentinck's Palm | 10b |
Bentinckia nicobarica | Nicobar Palm | 10a |
Bismarckia nobilis | Bismarck Palm | 10b |
Bismarckia nobilis sp. mayotte | Mayotte Bismarck Palm | 10b |
Bismarckia nobilis sp. silver | Silver Bismarck Palm | 9b |
Borassodendron borneense | Borneo Giant Fan Palm | 11 |
Borassus aethiopum | Palmyra palm | 10a |
Borassus flabellifer | Palmyra palm | 10a |
Borassus madagascariensis | Madagascar Palmyra Palm | 10a |
Brahea armata | Blue Hesper Palm | 8a |
Brahea brandegeei | San José Hesper Palm | 9a |
Brahea calcarea | White Rock Palm | 9a |
Brahea decumbens | Mexican Dwarf Blue Palm | 8a |
Brahea dulcis | Rock Palm | 9a |
Brahea dulcis sp. blue | Blue Rock Palm | 9a |
Brahea edulis | Guadalupe Palm | 9a |
Brahea moorei | Dwarf Rock Palm | 8b |
Butia archeri | Dwarf Jelly Palm | 9a |
Butia capitata | Jelly Palm | 7b |
Butia catarinensis | Coastal Jelly Palm | 7b |
Butia eriospatha | Woolly Jelly Palm | 7b |
Butia microspadix | Dwarf Wooly Jelly Palm | 9a |
Butia odorata | Southern Jelly Palm | 7b |
Butia paraguayensis | Dwarf Yatay Palm | 9a |
Butia purpurascens | Purple Yatay Palm | 9a |
Butia yatay | Yatay Palm | 7b |
Calamus acanthospathus | Rattan Palm | 10b |
Calamus aruensis | Hollrung's Rattan Palm | 10a |
Calamus batanensis | Batan Islands Rattan Palm | 10b |
Calamus beccarii | Tu-teng | 10b |
Calamus caryotoides | Fishtail Lawyer Cane | 10a |
Calamus castaneus | Mountain Nypa | 10a |
Calamus concinnus | Coastal Rattan | 10a |
Calamus erinaceus | Hedgehog Rattan | 10a |
Calamus formosanus | Taiwan Yellow Rattan Palm | 10a |
Calamus manan | Rotan Manau | 10b |
Calamus radicalis | Vicious Hairy Mary | 10a |
Calamus rudentum | Lizard Rattan | 10a |
Calamus siamensis | Thai Rattan Palm | 10a |
Calamus siphonospathus | Lanyu sheng-teng | 10b |
Calamus siphonospathus var. sublaevis | Lanyu Island Rattan Palm | 10b |
Calamus vestitus | Guadalcanal Rattan Palm | 10a |
Calamus viminalis | Bitter Rattan Palm | 10a |
Calyptrocalyx albertisianus | Sunset Palm | 11 |
Calyptrocalyx hollrungii | Hollrung Palm | 11 |
Calyptrocalyx micholitzii | Micholitz's Palm | 11a |
Calyptrocalyx spicatus | Maluku Kentia Palm | 10b |
Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana | Vampire Palm | 11 |
Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana subsp. glauca | Vampire Palm | 11 |
Carpentaria acuminata | Carpentaria Palm | 10a |
Carpoxylon macrospermum | Aneityum Palm | 10a |
Caryota bacsonensis | Bac Son Fishtail Palm | 10a |
Caryota kiriwongensis | Kiriwong Fishtail Palm | 10a |
Caryota maxima | Mountain Fish Tail Palm | 10a |
Caryota maxima sp. himalaya | Mountain Fish Tail | 9b |
Caryota mitis | Clustered Fishtail Palm | 10a |
Caryota no | Borneo Fishtail Palm | 10b |
Caryota obtusa | Giant Fishtail Palm | 9b |
Caryota ochlandra | Chinese Fishtail Palm | 9b |
Caryota ophiopellis | Snakeskin Fishtail Palm | 10b |
Caryota rumphiana | Australian Fishtail | 10b |
Caryota urens | Jaggery Palm | 10a |
Caryota zebrina | Zebra Fishtail Palm | 10b |
Ceroxylon alpinum | Andean Wax Palm | 9b |
Ceroxylon amazonicum | Amazon Wax Palm | 10a |
Ceroxylon echinulatum | Pumbo Wax Palm | 9b |
Ceroxylon parvifrons | Golden Wax Palm | 9b |
Ceroxylon parvum | Dwarf Wax Palm | 10a |
Ceroxylon quindiuense | Quindio Wax Palm | 9b |
Ceroxylon ventricosum | Ecuadorian Wax Palm | 9b |
Ceroxylon vogelianum | Vogel Wax Palm | 10a |
Chamaedorea adscendens | Velvet Palm | 10a |
Chamaedorea cataractarum | Cascade Palm | 9b |
Chamaedorea costaricana | Costa Rica Bamboo Palm | 10a |
Chamaedorea elegans | Parlor Palm | 9b |
Chamaedorea fragrans | Sangapilla Palm | 10a |
Chamaedorea glaucifolia | Glaucous Parlour Palm | 10a |
Chamaedorea metallica | Metallic palm | 9b |
Chamaedorea microspadix | Bamboo Palm | 8b |
Chamaedorea radicalis | Hardy Parlour Palm | 9b |
Chamaedorea seifrizii | Seifriz Bamboo Palm | 9b |
Chamaedorea tepejilote | Pacaya Palm | 10a |
Chamaerops humilis | Mediterranean Fan Palm | 8a |
Chamaerops humilis var. argentea | Blue Med. Fan Palm | 7b |
Chambeyronia macrocarpa | Houailou Red Leaf Palm | 10a |
Chelyocarpus chuco | Round Leaf Palm | 11 |
Chuniophoenix hainanensis | Hainan Fan Palm | 9b |
Clinostigma savoryanum | Bonin Islands Palm | 9b |
Coccothrinax argentata | Silver Thatch Palm | 9b |
Coccothrinax argentea | Hispaniola Silver Thatch Palm | 9b |
Coccothrinax barbadensis | Silver Thatch Palm | 9b |
Coccothrinax borhidiana | Borhidis Guano Palm | 9b |
Coccothrinax crinita | Old Man Palm | 10a |
Coccothrinax gracilis | Hispaniola Silver Palm | 9b |
Coccothrinax proctorii | Proctor's Silver Palm | 9b |
Coccothrinax spissa | Hispaniola Belly Palm | 9b |
Copernicia alba | Caranday Palm | 9b |
Copernicia baileyana | Yarey Palm | 10a |
Copernicia macroglossa | Cuban Petticoat Palm | 10a |
Copernicia rigida | Jata Palm | 10a |
Corypha lecomtei | Lecomte Palm | 9b |
Corypha taliera | Tali | 10b |
Corypha umbraculifera | Talipot Palm | 9b |
Corypha utan | Buri Palm | 10a |
Cryosophila stauracantha | Root Spine Palm | 9b |
Cryosophila warscewiczii | Guáguara Palm | 9b |
Cyphophoenix fulcita | New Caledonian Stilt Root Palm | 11 |
Cyphophoenix nucele | Lifou Palm | 10a |
Cyrtostachys renda | Sealing Wax Palm | 11 |
Daemonorops angustifolia | Water Rattan Palm | 10a |
Daemonorops jenkinsiana | Major Jenkins Palm | 10a |
Daemonorops lewisiana | Lewis' Rattan Palm | 10a |
Daemonorops melanochaetes | Chocolate Rattan | 10a |
Daemonorops ochrolepis | Sumulid Rattan Palm | 10a |
Daemonorops sabut | Hair-Spine Rattan | 10a |
Desmoncus orthacanthos | Climbing Palm | 10a |
Dictyocaryum lamarckianum | Andean Royal Palm | 9b |
Dictyosperma album | Hurricane Palm | 10b |
Dictyosperma album var. aureum | Rodrigues Hurricane Palm | 9b |
Dictyosperma album var. conjugatum | Round Island Hurricane Palm | 9b |
Drymophloeus oliviformis | Sumulid Rattan Palm | 10b |
Dypsis albofarinosa | White Powder Palm | 9a |
Dypsis ambositrae | Ambositra Palm | 9a |
Dypsis arenarum | Sand Palm | 10a |
Dypsis baronii | Sugar Cane Palm | 9a |
Dypsis bejofo | Brain Seed Palm | 10a |
Dypsis boiviniana | Talanoka Palm | 10a |
Dypsis bonsai | Bonsai Palm | 9b |
Dypsis cabadae | Cabada Palm | 10a |
Dypsis carlsmithii | Stumpy Palm | 10b |
Dypsis catatiana | Catat's Palm | 9b |
Dypsis crinita | Vonitra Palm | 10a |
Dypsis decaryi | Triangle Palm | 10a |
Dypsis decipiens | Manambe Palm | 9a |
Dypsis eriostachys | Silk Palm | 10a |
Dypsis fibrosa | Mountain Vonitra Palm | 9b |
Dypsis hiarakae | Sinkiara Palm | 10a |
Dypsis hovomantsina | Hovomantsina Palm | 10a |
Dypsis lanceolata | Ivovowo Palm | 9b |
Dypsis lastelliana | Red Neck Palm | 10a |
Dypsis leptocheilos | Teddy Bear Palm | 10a |
Dypsis lutescens | Golden Cane Palm | 10a |
Dypsis madagascariensis | Lucuba Palm | 10a |
Dypsis malcomberi | Malcomber palm | 10a |
Dypsis mcdonaldiana | McDonalds Palm | 9b |
Dypsis nodifera | Ovana Palm | 9b |
Dypsis onilahensis | Onilahy Palm | 9a |
Dypsis oropedionis | Plateau Palm | 9a |
Dypsis ovobontsira | Ovobontsira Palm | 10a |
Dypsis pembana | Pemba Palm | 10a |
Dypsis plumosa | Dypsis sp. (Fine Leaf) | 9b |
Dypsis prestoniana | Tavilo Palm | 10a |
Dypsis psammophila | White Sand Palm | 10a |
Dypsis rivularis | Sari Palm | 10a |
Dypsis sahanofensis | Sahanofo Palm | 9b |
Dypsis saintelucei | Sainte-Luce Palm | 10a |
Dypsis sanctaemariae | Sainte-Marie Palm | 10a |
Dypsis scottiana | Raosy Palm | 10a |
Dypsis soanieranae | Soanierana Palm | 10a |
Dypsis thiryana | Tsinkiara Palm | 10a |
Dypsis tsaravoasira | Beragoka Palm | 9b |
Elaeis guineensis | African Oil Palm | 10b |
Elaeis oleifera | American Oil Palm | 10a |
Eugeissona utilis | Useful Bertam Palm | 11 |
Euterpe edulis | Juçara Palm | 10a |
Euterpe oleracea | Acai Palm | 10a |
Euterpe precatoria | Mountain Cabbage Palm | 9b |
Gaussia attenuata | Llume Palm | 9b |
Gaussia maya | Maya Palm | 10a |
Geonoma brevispatha | Cana Preta | 10a |
Geonoma congesta | Suita Palm | 10b |
Geonoma cuneata | Yah-a-chi | 10a |
Geonoma cuneata var. sodiroi | To pirin | 10a |
Geonoma gamiova | Arecana Palm | 9b |
Geonoma interrupta | Chontilla | 10a |
Geonoma pauciflora | Ouricana Palm | 10a |
Geonoma schottiana | Guarika Palm | 9b |
Guihaia argyrata | Guilin Dwarf Palm | 9a |
Guihaia grossifibrosa | Guangxi Dwarf Palm | 9a |
Hedyscepe canterburyana | Umbrella Palm | 9b |
Heterospathe elata | Sagisi Palm | 10a |
Heterospathe minor | Dwarf Sagisi palm | 10b |
Heterospathe woodfordiana | Solomon Sagisi Palm | 10a |
Howea belmoreana | Curly Palm | 9b |
Howea forsteriana | Kentia Palm | 9b |
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis | Bottle Palm | 10a |
Hyophorbe verschaffeltii | Spindle Palm | 10a |
Hyphaene coriacea | Ilala Palm | 9b |
Hyphaene petersiana | Vegetable Ivory Palm | 9a |
Hyphaene thebaica | Doum Palm | 9b |
Iriartea deltoidea | Copa Palm | 10a |
Johannesteijsmannia altifrons | Joey | 10b |
Johannesteijsmannia lanceolata | Slender Joey Palm | 10b |
Johannesteijsmannia magnifica | Silver Joey | 10b |
Jubaea chilensis | Chilean Wine Palm | 7b |
Jubaeopsis caffra | Pondoland Palm | 9a |
Kerriodoxa elegans | White Elephant Palm | 11 |
Laccospadix australasicus | Atherton Palm | 9b |
Latania loddigesii | Blue Latan Palm | 10a |
Latania lontaroides | Red Latan Palm | 9b |
Latania verschaffeltii | Yellow Latan Palm | 10a |
Lemurophoenix halleuxii | Red Lemur Palm | 10b |
Leopoldinia piassaba | Chiqui-chiqui Palm | 10a |
Lepidorrhachis mooreana | Little Mountain Palm | 9b |
Leucothrinax morrisii | Brittle Thatch Palm | 10b |
Licuala grandis | Ruffled Fan Palm | 10b |
Licuala lauterbachii | Bougainville Palm | 10a |
Licuala mattanensis var. mapu | Mapu (Variagated form) | 10b |
Licuala orbicularis | Parasol Palm | 11a |
Licuala paludosa | Golden Licuala | 10a |
Licuala poonsakii | Poonsak's Fan Palm | 10a |
Licuala ramsayi | Australian Fan Palm | 10b |
Licuala rumphii | Celebes Fan Palm | 10a |
Licuala spinosa | Mangrove Fan Palm | 10b |
Linospadix minor | Jakarungle | 10a |
Linospadix monostachyos | Walking Stick Palm | 10a |
Linospadix palmerianus | Palmers Walking Stick Palm | 10a |
Livistona australis | Southern Fan Palm | 9a |
Livistona benthamii | Bentham's Fountain Palm | 9b |
Livistona boninensis | Bonin Islands fan palm | 8b |
Livistona chinensis | Chinese Fan Palm | 9a |
Livistona chinensis var. subglobosa | Taiwan Fan Palm | 8b |
Livistona decora | Ribbon Fan Palm | 9a |
Livistona humilis | Australian Sand Palm | 10a |
Livistona inermis | Wispy Fan Palm | 10a |
Livistona jenkinsiana | Major Jenkin's palm | 10a |
Livistona lanuginosa | Cape River Fan Palm | 9b |
Livistona muelleri | Australian Dwarf Fan Palm | 10a |
Livistona nitida | Carnavon Palm | 9b |
Livistona rigida | Mataranka palm | 9a |
Livistona rotundifolia | Footstool Palm | 10b |
Livistona saribus | Taraw Palm | 9b |
Livistona woodfordii | Nggela Fountain Palm | 9b |
Lytocaryum hoehnei | Hoehne | 9b |
Lytocaryum weddellianum | Miniature Coconut Palm | 9b |
Manicaria saccifera | Troolie Palm | 11 |
Marojejya darianii | Big Leaf Palm | 11 |
Masoala kona | Kona Palm | 11 |
Mauritia flexuosa | Morete Palm | 10b |
Mauritiella aculeata | Rio Negro Palm | 11 |
Mauritiella armata | Moretillo Palm | 11 |
Medemia argun | Nubian Desert Palm | 10a |
Metroxylon sagu | Sago Palm | 11 |
Metroxylon salomonense | Solomon Ivory Nut Palm | 11 |
Metroxylon warburgii | Vanuatu Sago Palm | 10a |
Nannorrhops ritchiana | Mazari Palm | 8b |
Nannorrhops ritchiana sp. silver | Silver Mazari Palm | 9b |
Normanbya normanbyi | Black Palm | 10a |
Nypa fruticans | Nypa Palm | 10a |
Oenocarpus bacaba | Bacaba Palm | 10b |
Oenocarpus bataua | Batauá Palm | 10a |
Oncosperma horridum | Mountain Nibung Palm | 10b |
Orania longisquama | Sindro Palm | 10b |
Oraniopsis appendiculata | Bronze Palm | 9b |
Parajubaea cocoides | Mountain Coconut | 9b |
Parajubaea sunkha | Zunca Palm | 9b |
Parajubaea torallyi var. microcarpa | Bolivian Mountain Coconut | 9a |
Parajubaea torallyi var. torallyi | Pasopaya Palm | 8b |
Phoenix acaulis | Dwarf Date Palm | 9a |
Phoenix canariensis | Canary Island Date Palm | 9a |
Phoenix dactylifera | Date Palm | 9a |
Phoenix loureiroi var. loureiroi | Mountain Date Palm (Kashmir form) | 9a |
Phoenix loureiroi var. loureiroi sp. formosana | Taiwan Date Palm | 9b |
Phoenix paludosa | Mangrove Date Palm | 10a |
Phoenix pusilla | Ceylon Date Palm | 10a |
Phoenix reclinata | Senegal Date Palm | 9b |
Phoenix roebelenii | Pygmy Date Palm | 10a |
Phoenix rupicola | Cliff Date Palm | 10a |
Phoenix sylvestris | Silver Date Palm | 9b |
Phoenix theophrasti | Theophrastus Date Palm | 8b |
Pholidostachys dactyloides | Carmaná Palm | 11 |
Phytelephas aequatorialis | Tagua Palm | 11 |
Phytelephas schottii | Ivory Palm | 11 |
Pigafetta elata | Black Wanga Palm | 10b |
Pigafetta filaris | White Wanga Palm | 11 |
Pinanga batanensis | Batan Palm | 10b |
Pinanga capitata | Bumburing Palm | 10b |
Pinanga coronata | Ivory Cane Palm | 10b |
Pinanga gracilis | Coulombe Palm | 10b |
Pinanga javana | Emerald Palm | 10b |
Pinanga sylvestris | Chocolate Cane Palm | 10b |
Plectocomia elongata | Giant Rattan Palm | 10a |
Plectocomia himalayana | Himalaya Rattan Palm | 9b |
Ponapea hosinoi | Kattai Palm | 11 |
Prestoea acuminata | Red Crownshaft Palm | 10a |
Prestoea acuminata var. montana | Mountain Cabbage palm | 10 |
Prestoea schultzeana | Marsh Palm | 10a |
Pritchardia pacifica | Fiji Fan Palm | 10a |
Pritchardia remota | Wahane Palm | 10a |
Pritchardia thurstonii | Lau Fan Palm | 10a |
Pritchardia woodfordiana | Nggela Fan Palm | 10a |
Pseudophoenix ekmanii | Dominican Cherry Palm | 10a |
Pseudophoenix sargentii | Cherry Palm | 10a |
Pseudophoenix vinifera | Buccaneer Palm | 9b |
Ptychosperma elegans | Solitaire Palm | 10b |
Ptychosperma macarthurii | MacArthur Palm | 10b |
Ptychosperma propinquum | Aru Palm | 10b |
Raphia australis | Kosi Palm | 10b |
Raphia farinifera | Raffia Palm | 10b |
Raphia hookeri | West African Wine Palm | 10b |
Raphia ruwenzorica | Highland Raffia Palm | 10b |
Raphia sudanica | Dwarf Raphia Palm | 10b |
Raphia taedigera | Yolillo Palm | 10b |
Raphia vinifera | JUPATI | 10b |
Ravenea albicans | White Majesty Palm | 9b |
Ravenea glauca | Sihara Palm | 9b |
Ravenea hildebrandtii | Dwarf Majesty Palm | 9b |
Ravenea krociana | Kroc's palm | 10a |
Ravenea lakatra | Ironwood Palm | 9b |
Ravenea rivularis | Majestic Palm | 10a |
Ravenea robustior | Monimony Palm | 9b |
Ravenea sambiranensis | Soindro Palm | 9a |
Ravenea xerophila | Anivona Palm | 9a |
Reinhardtia gracilis | Window Pane Palm | 10b |
Reinhardtia latisecta | Giant Window Pane Palm | 10b |
Reinhardtia paiewonskiana | Giant Window Pane Palm | 10b |
Reinhardtia simplex | Dwarf Window Pane Palm | 10b |
Rhapidophyllum hystrix | Needle Palm | 7a |
Rhapis cochinchinensis | Laos Lady Palm | 9b |
Rhapis excelsa | Lady Palm | 9a |
Rhapis gracilis | Dwarf Lady Palm | 9b |
Rhapis humilis | Slender Lady Palm | 9a |
Rhapis multifida | Finger Palm | 9a |
Rhapis robusta | Guangxi Lady Palm | 9b |
Rhapis subtilis | Thai Lady Palm | 9b |
Rhopaloblaste augusta | Nicobar Majestic Palm | 11 |
Rhopaloblaste ceramica | Majestic Palm | 11 |
Rhopaloblaste elegans | Elegant Palm | 11 |
Rhopalostylis baueri | Norfolk Palm | 9b |
Rhopalostylis sapida | Nikau Palm (South Island form) | 9b |
Rhopalostylis sapida sp. Chatham Is. | Chatham Island Nikau Palm | 9a |
Roystonea borinquena | Puerto Rican Royal Palm | 10a |
Roystonea oleracea | Venezuelan Royal Palm | 10a |
Roystonea regia | Cuban Royal Palm | 10a |
Sabal bermudana | Bermuda Palmetto | 9a |
Sabal causiarum | Puerto Rican Hat Palm | 9a |
Sabal domingensis | Hispaniola Palmetto | 9a |
Sabal etonia | Scrub palm | 9a |
Sabal maritima | Bull Thatch Palm | 9a |
Sabal mauritiiformis | Bay Palmetto | 9b |
Sabal mexicana | Texas Palmetto | 8b |
Sabal minor | Dwarf Palmetto | 7a |
Sabal palmetto | Palmetto Palm | 7a |
Sabal pumos | Royal Palmetto | 9a |
Sabal rosei | Llanos Palmetto | 9a |
Sabal uresana | Sonora Palmetto | 7b |
Sabal yapa | Thatch palm | 9a |
Salacca zalacca | Snake Fruit Palm | 11 |
Satakentia liukiuensis | Satake Palm | 9b |
Satranala decussilvae | Satranabe Palm | 11 |
Schippia concolor | Silver Pimento Palm | 10b |
Serenoa repens | Saw Palmetto | 9a |
Serenoa repens sp. silver | Silver Saw Palmetto | 8b |
Socratea exorrhiza | Curly Stilt Root Palm | 10a |
Syagrus allagopteroides | Buri-falso | 9b |
Syagrus botryophora | Pati Queen Palm | 10a |
Syagrus caerulescens | Palmeirinha-azul | 9a |
Syagrus cardenasii | Corocito Palm | 10a |
Syagrus cocoides | Jatá Palm | 10a |
Syagrus comosa | Bitter Palm | 9a |
Syagrus coronata | Licuri Palm | 9a |
Syagrus flexuosa | Acumã Palm | 10a |
Syagrus harleyi | Fox Palm | 10a |
Syagrus kellyana | Coco-de-quarta | 10a |
Syagrus lorenzoniorum | Coco-de-quarta-mirim | 10a |
Syagrus macrocarpa | Maria Rosa Palm | 10a |
Syagrus oleracea | Catolé Palm | 10a |
Syagrus picrophylla | Lent Coconut | 10a |
Syagrus pseudococos | Piririma Coconut | 10a |
Syagrus romanzoffiana | Queen palm | 9b |
Syagrus ruschiana | Rock Coconut | 10a |
Syagrus schizophylla | Arikury Palm | 10a |
Synechanthus fibrosus | Monkey Tail Palm | 11 |
Tahina spectabilis | Blessed Palm | 11 |
Thrinax excelsa | Jamaican Thatch Palm | 10a |
Thrinax parviflora | Mountain Thatch Palm | 10a |
Thrinax radiata | Florida Thatch Palm | 10a |
Trachycarpus fortunei | Chusan palm | 7b |
Trachycarpus fortunei sp. wagnerianus | Miniature Chusan palm | 7a |
Trachycarpus geminisectus | Eight Peaks Fan Palm | 9a |
Trachycarpus latisectus | Windamere palm | 9a |
Trachycarpus martianus sp. khasyanus | Martius' windmill palm | 9a |
Trachycarpus martianus sp. nepalensis | Martius' windmill palm | 9a |
Trachycarpus nanus | Dragonhead palm | 7a |
Trachycarpus oreophilus | Thai Mountain Fan Palm | 8a |
Trachycarpus princeps | Stone Gate Palm | 8a |
Trachycarpus sp. nanital | Nanital Kumaon palm | 7b |
Trachycarpus takil | Kumaon palm | 7b |
Trachycarpus ukhrulensis | Saramati Palm | 8b |
Trithrinax brasiliensis | Brazilian needle palm | 9b |
Trithrinax campestris | Campestre palm | 8a |
Trithrinax schizophylla | Mosquito palm | 8a |
Veitchia arecina | Montgomery Palm | 10a |
Veitchia filifera | Yanawei Palm | 10b |
Veitchia spiralis | Kajewskia Palm | 10b |
Verschaffeltia splendida | Seychelles Stilt Palm | 11 |
Voanioala gerardii | Forest Coconut | 10a |
Wallichia disticha | Distichous Fishtail Palm | 9b |
Wallichia oblongifolia | Himalayan dwarf fishtail palm | 9a |
Washingtonia filifera | Cotton palm | 9a |
Washingtonia robusta | Sky-duster palm | 9a |
Welfia regia | Amargo Palm | 10a |
Wettinia aequalis | Rosario Palm | 10a |
Wettinia kalbreyeri | Macana Palm | 10a |
Wettinia maynensis | Walte Palm | 9b |
Wettinia quinaria | Ban-chi Palm | 9b |
Wodyetia bifurcata | Foxtail palm | 10a |
Zombia antillarum | Zombi Palm | 10b |
× Butyagrus nabonnandii | Mule Palm | 7b |